
People with dementia participate in the chorus along with a care partner, usually a spouse or family member. These two singers are called a “Duet.” Duets are supported by volunteer support singers and Resounding Voices staff. Use the form below to register as a Duet.
Resounding Voices rehearses on Tuesday mornings from 10:00 -11:45 am at Calvary Evangelical Free Church (5500 25th Ave NW, Rochester). Each session begins with social time, followed by rehearsal.
There is a $50 per person Participation Fee for Duets. Please make check payable to Resounding Voices Fee and mail to Resounding Voices, 1530 Greenview Drive SW, Suite 120, Rochester, MN 55902, or bring it to our first rehearsal. If the participation fee presents a barrier to your participation, please let us know on your registration form. Financial assistance is available.
If you prefer to register by mail, please click here for a printable pdf.
Duet Registration Form
A Duet consist of a person with dementia and their support partner (usually a spouse, family member or friend).
If you would like to volunteer to sing in the chorus as an individual supporter, please use our Volunteer Registration Form.